Once you’ve decided on your program stream, you can enroll on ACORN between the program enrollment period (March 1 – September 21, 2022)
Earth Sciences programs are open (“type 1”) programs, which means that no specific courses are required to enroll, as long as you are on your way to completing 4.0 FCEs. Additional requirements are listed below:
Environmental Geoscientist Specialist:
You need to satisfy the admission requirements for the Life Sciences. See this link for more information: Life Sciences admission category on the St. George Campus. Grade 12 chemistry and physics are strongly recommended.
All other Earth Sciences programs:
You need to satisfy the admission requirements for the Physical and Mathematical Sciences. See this link for more information: Physical and Mathematical Sciences admission category on the St. George Campus. Grade 12 chemistry and physics are strongly recommended.
Here are instructions on how to apply: https://sidneysmithcommons.artsci.utoronto.ca/program/